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16 Tips to Get the Best, Save More and Spend Less in 2020!

Updated: Jul 23, 2020

Note: This article was first published on

Financial Management is one of the first key for successful integration in the US System. We make sure we provide you the quality information and education you will find no where else.

This article is for low and middle class people who are wondering why they could not build a sustainable financial life in 2019 and how they could come out of the circle of bad credit scores and financial stress.

The 16 following points provide simple financial management tips to get the best, save more and spend less:

-Be needs oriented not fashion oriented -Don’t shop branding -Cook by yourself -Wash your car (s) by yourself -Discover the secrets of Thrift stores -Connect to donation centers -Go to the sources for information -Shop for Gas -Drive with purpose -Go to open spaces (parks) for fun -Watch movies at home -Shop online -Compare owing a Car vs Metro vs Uber -Compare housing vs renting -Set automatic payment -Organize your accounts management

What are your secrets to get the bess, save more and spend less in America?

Herve Ngate

Africans4future Network

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